In this two-part lesson, we take a closer look at God’s part and our part in the life-long process of sanctification.

Listen to the audio recording of the lesson and scroll down for some passages of Scripture to ponder and questions to reflect on!

Our texts for further study:
Philippians 2:12,13
Romans 8: 11 and 29
John 15:1-5
Romans 6:11

A couple of questions for reflection after you listen to the lesson:

1. Am I as intimately attached to Jesus the True Vine as I should be so He can work in me and through me to bear the fruit of the Spirit? If not, what changes should I make?

2. Are there areas of sin in my life with which I have become too comfortable? Do I agree that sin is detestable to God and therefore should be detestable to me and I should reckon it dead?

3. How can I declare specific areas of sin in my life that I struggle with as dead and use that to resist Satan luring me to repeat those sins?

Attaching ourselves firmly to Jesus every day and reckoning ourselves dead to sin is a struggle for us in this consumer-driven, distracting world. A little later on, we’ll take a closer look at the struggles we face in pursuing holiness. For the moment, it is enough to ask ourselves if we really believe it is worth reordering the way we live our lives to pursue the holiness God desires and wants to develop in us. We can’t develop God’s nature in ourselves and are not expected to do so. But we are expected to do these three things to facilitate the process!

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