Last week, we covered God’s role in our sanctification and the first two of our three-part role in working out what He works in us. This week, we cover the third part: consecration, and how it expresses itself in obedience. Listen to the audio of the lesson, then meditate on the verses listed below and ponder the reflection questions.

Here are the most pertinent passages mentioned in the lesson:

Philippians 2:12,13

Romans 6:12-14 (Read 1-14 for context)

James 1:19-27

1. Are there areas in my life (my habits, speech, thought life, and emotions) that I have not consecrated to God?

2. What is the best thing I can do when I wake up to consecrate my life to God?

3. Practical exercise: Identify specific ways in which I struggle with temptation to do sinful things (like lying, swearing, lusting, giving in to anger, etc.). Pick one and try to refocus every time it arises by turning your attention away from the impulse and unto God in prayer about something completely different or in worship. Do that for 21 days (the time psychologists say it takes to form a habit) and move on to the next one on your list.

I encourage you to prepare your hearts for Holy Week when we remember Christ’s journey to the cross by meditating on the fact that His blood is the key to our holiness, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and His work of sanctifying us through and through.

Photo Credit: Unsplash/Jack Sharp