In this week’s lesson, we look at the state of holiness God confers on us once we have been made righteous in Christ, and how that differs from the lifelong process of being made holy, which we call “sanctification.” Listen to the audio recording below, then take some time to look up the Scripture verses and ponder the two questions I posed.

Here are the Bible verses to look up and meditate on:

Zechariah 3:1-5 (The high priest Joshua’s filthy garments are exchanged for a clean

Romans 6:3-11 (we have died to sin and been raised to a new life with Christ)

And some questions to ponder:

1. God chooses to see me as free from sin because I have been united with Christ in His death and resurrection. Do I see myself that way?

2. Have I been reckoning my old sinful self as dead (Romans 6:11), or have I kept it alive? If so, how?

We continue our lesson next week as we think about God’s part and ours in the process of sanctification.