Did I mention that I have been in Isaiah for a while during my morning devotions? Such rich insight into the mind and counsel toward the people He loves.
A few days ago Isaiah 55:6-9 began speaking to me. It … Read the rest
Helping people deepen their relationship with God
Did I mention that I have been in Isaiah for a while during my morning devotions? Such rich insight into the mind and counsel toward the people He loves.
A few days ago Isaiah 55:6-9 began speaking to me. It … Read the rest
Recently, we were confronted with two extreme situations, each evoking a polar opposite range of emotions.
A dear friend of ours who was suffering from glioblastoma, an aggressive brain cancer that had sunk tentacles deep into both sides of her … Read the rest
Have you ever prayed and prayed, perhaps even fasted, shed tears, and cried out to the Lord every day for a particular need and felt that there seemed no visible evidence of an answer? Did you wonder if there was … Read the rest
Many of the judgments over Israel, Judah, and their surrounding countries that were pronounced through the pen and mouth of the Old Testament prophet Isaiah had to do with two things: self-reliance instead of reliance on God and idol worship … Read the rest
On April 22, Jennifer and I crossed the St. Croix River into Wisconsin on our way to a long-anticipated prayer gathering that we hoped would launch a sustained prayer initiative for revival in the spiritually dark area of Pine County … Read the rest
It is early in the morning, still. My body begs me to stay in bed, but my hyperactive brain has begun to stir and keeps me from falling back to sleep. Groggy and tired, I swing my legs over the … Read the rest
Almost 3,000 years ago, God gave a peculiar command to the prophet Isaiah during the reign of King Ahaz that I believe to be of great relevance again to us today:
For the Lord spoke thus to me with his … Read the rest
The prophet Isaiah gives us in chapter 6 of his 66 books of prophecies a glimpse into heaven through a vision he received in the memorable year that the righteous king Uzziah died. There was uncertainty about the future of … Read the rest
God has created human beings with the innate capacity to seek and communicate with their unseen Creator, who presents Himself not only as Creator, Lord, and King but also as Father and Friend.
Prophecies like Isaiah chapter 5 show His … Read the rest
My wife and I like to kick off the New Year with some extended prayer during which we ask God to lead us to Bible texts that can serve as our theme for the year. We usually come up with … Read the rest
The scene is one of the most poignant ones in all of Jesus’ ministry. It is the eve of Passover, the most sacred of Jewish holidays, and the culmination of His mission.
One last time, He has gathered His inner … Read the rest