My dear readers,

Rona’s Rod, aka COVID-19-whatever-the-latest-variant-is, has finally hit the Brommet household in full. We count ourselves blessed to have escaped the worse till now. Several in our circle of friends have lost loved ones, and others have suffered through rounds much worse than what we are experiencing. But we got it, nonetheless.

Sore throat, stuffy head, fever, body aches, and yes, corona-brain. I’d heard of the latter from my daughters, who both had COVID at least once before. It’s a little like having a couple of crickets playing racketball in your head. Your mind blows up with all kinds of random stuff, but no reasonable, orderly, let alone deep, train of thought wants to form.

That is why I am keeping this post light. We’re on the mend, but the crickets are still having fun.

So this is a good opportunity to welcome all the new subscribers to my blog. Thanks for joining our growing tribe!

The Deeper Life Blog has been in existence for a couple of years now. It is one of several platforms on which I am fulfilling my current assignment from the Lord: to write what I receive from the Holy Spirit for those who want to listen so it will build their faith, increase their joy in Him, enhance their prayer lives, and deepen their hunger for His Word. The other two platforms are weekly contributions to Intercessors For America, and books. Two years ago I wrote the book “Prayer Matters,” and I am near finishing the manuscript for my second book. That one is tentatively titled “Mining for Gold” and is devoted to supernaturally mining the Bible for its life-transforming treasures.

You will find on this blog site and extensive archive of past posts and some brief videos I recorded. Your subscription guarantees you an email alert every time I upload a new post.

Look for articles entitled “The Hidden Life,” and “Spiritual Forgetfulness” soon. At least as soon as the crickets are done with their racket ball game… I am also working on a user-friendly upload of a series on holiness I am teaching at Journey Church in Canton GA, complete with audio recordings, verses to look up, and questions to reflect on. That will be followed by a similar series on the Kingdom Parables.

I pray that what the Holy Spirit inspires me to write will enrich your walk with the Father, strengthen your faith in His love, deepen your love for Him, increases your desire for Him, and broadens your knowledge of God and His kingdom. Feel free to share my posts with anyone you feel may benefit from them!

The days are dire. He is warning us to get ready and be vigilant. At the same time He is calling us to come closer, deepen our roots in His love so we may be strong, courageous, and shining brightly as His sons and daughters. That is why I keep this blog.

Grace and peace,
