That is the title of my first book, now available on Amazon in paperback and e-book form. To order, click the link below!

Why the title “Prayer Matters?”

I believe strongly that we have entered a new phase in the End Times. One in which pressure on believers is going to increase.

Pressure to “get with the times” on issues of abortion, gay marriage, social causes.

Pressure to set aside the principles of the gospel in order not to impede the social, economic, scientific, medical, cultural, and moral progress the world thinks its making.

As this phase accelerates, our familiar practices and comfort zones are being shaken up. COVID has already drastically changed the way we do church. And the daily stream of alarming news is challenging our faith in God when it seems that the world systems are being shaken, and our planet is rapidly hurtling towards the kind of chaos that calls for some sort of savior.

You guessed it – the Antichrist. The ultimate false Messiah, who will deceive the world into worshipping him and giving him complete control over humanity in the name of safety, security, and a better world.

As Christians who know better, we’ll be the stumbling block. The world will turn increasingly against us. The US will follow Europe in its post-Christian mindset. It will hate Christ.

Any doubts? Look at Matthew 24, Revelation 13, John 15:18-25 to name a few.

That is why I wrote this book – with the anointing and constant inspiration of the Holy Spirit, and a sense of urgency in my heart. We have a window of time to root ourselves strongly in a bold, enduring faith in God – a daily, intimate walk with Him. The key to that is a life of prayer. We can’t postpone, we can’t lag or slack off. Our “Christian comfort zones” are disappearing fast.

Prayer Matters is a book that is designed to help you move from occasional prayer to a life of prayer that keeps you close to the Father, taps into all the resources He has available for us in times of trouble and helps you pray with authority into the spiritual battles that rage around us.

Prayer Matters, today more than ever. For you, for the Body of Christ we belong to, for the nation we live in, for the people lost in fear and darkness, and for the advance of the gospel around the world, to every tribe and nation.

The book is designed for different uses: personal study, personal reflection, prayer practice, and group study. Each chapter comes with practice steps and questions for reflection and discussion.

Order your copy today! Here is a picture of the front cover, designed by my amazingly talented wife Jennifer, who also formatted the content. Click on the links below to buy or preview! When you buy, be sure to leave a review on Amazon after you read it.