Most of the time, you receive devotional insights on this blog – primarily what jumps out at me during devotions or reading.

Occasionally, I will share updates on our faith journey toward living and ministering in Kenya, which forms the backdrop to some of the insights and thoughts that are going through my head right now. So here’s the latest:

In Joshua 3, we find the people of Israel getting ready to cross the River Jordan into the promised land. They have to wait a couple of days before they can begin the crossing while God is working upstream, out of sight, to make the waters recede for a safe crossing. They are trusting in total faith as it is the time of year when the water level is at its highest, and it is the most dangerous. During those three days, the people are told to consecrate themselves and prepare for the crossing. A time of productive waiting.

That describes what has been happening with us. A month after we launched our vision at a meeting attended by 26 of our closest supporters, we are excited to report how God is continuing to lead us each step in our faith journey toward Kenya.

Here’s what’s happening:

1.   We have received nearly $8,000 in donations and several pledges from our first vision launch. We appreciate everyone’s generous response!

2.   The word is getting out! We have been sharing our journey and vision through e-mails, word of mouth, and social media as much as we can, and others are spreading the word. We believe that, as word gets around, God will stir the hearts of those He has appointed to give, and the money will come in by the deadline of May 1st we have agreed on with the sellers of Eagles Wings. Our goal is to raise a total of $600,000 to purchase and make some modifications to Eagles Wings (pictured above), relocate to Kenya, and begin expanding ministry in Kenya and East Africa. Click on the “Kenya is Calling” video link below for more information.

3.   After extensive consultation with legal and tax experts in the U.S. and Kenya, God clearly led us to form a True Identity Charitable Trust in Kenya that will own Eagles Wings. The Trust Deed has been drafted, the signature pages have been notarized and signed, and our attorney in Kenya will file the paperwork in the next week or so. 

4.   Remco is in the process of adapting the True Identity Study for prison and police chaplains in Kenya. Our contact there has informed us that he has included us in his report to the Interior Ministry of Kenya, and they are waiting with great excitement for us to come and begin training.

5.   We are doing what we can to research logistics like work permits and shipping so we can be ready for a relatively quick transition once the money for Eagles Wings is in and our Charitable Trust has been incorporated.

Will you pray with us as we continue on this faith journey?

1. Pray for Deb Snell, our missionary friend who co-owns Eagles Wings and believes with us that we are meant to buy it. She has been in Kenya for over 30 years, is having health issues, and needs to return to the U.S. sooner rather than later for some urgent surgery and to resettle.

2. Pray for God’s hand on the Charitable Trust incorporation process – no delays and no corruption!

3. Pray for the Lord to take our vision to the people whom he has raised up to give.

4. Pray for protection against spiritual attack – discouragement, attacks on finances, delays in government red tape, and any other means Satan uses to derail our transition or try to sabotage God’s call to Kenya and the incredible potential to reach many more with God’s message of our true identity in Him!

If you would like to give towards the purchase of Eagles Wings or toward our monthly support, you can easily make tax-deductible gifts through DonorBox on our True Identity Ministries website Donate page (click on the DONATE button below). Please make a memo if the gift is for EW- Kenya.

Thank you for your prayer, support, and encouragement!


Be sure to watch the


Hear testimonies of what God is doing in Kenya & East Africa through TI, exciting ministry expansion potential, and drone footage of Eagle’s Wings property and facility.