Hello everyone! It’s been a while, so I thought I’d reenter the scene with some personal updates.

“Where did he go?’ you may have wondered. Or not.

I’ve put blog-writing on hold for a few months so I could fully focus on the manuscript of a book on prayer, a subject near and dear to my heart. The first draft of the manuscript is finished, four people are reading it with critical eyes, and I hope to have final revisions done by mid-May. Then it’s on to a publisher, or, if no one wants a crack at it, self-publish.

That last part is out of my control. I gather loaves and fishes. What happens to them is safely in God’s hands!

Which, by the way, is the best model I can think of for any ministry.

Meanwhile, I have been engaged in a lot of prayer and contemplation as the world spirals onward and, seemingly, further out of control.

Some of you know that my version of “tent-making” is driving, which gives me a lot of opportunity for prayer and contemplation. And I’m not talking about my daily interaction with Atlanta traffic.

I have thought a lot about the world’s three-dimensional turmoil in light of the other-dimensional greatness of God.

I have delved into who, and what, the people of God are supposed to be.

Some of my thoughts took me to the significance of a soldier mastering his equipment and how that relates to our daily battles and the armor of God.

Soon, I will share about these musings – for better or worse, or at least for your honest consideration.

See you soon!