Most of the time I publish deep thoughts and insights. But with a three-week mission trip to Kenya coming up for my wife and me, I’ll share something newsy. So, here are some excerpts from our newsletter, hot off the press!


After 8 years since our last trip to Kenya, we are very excited to return NOV 11 – DEC 3! Our itinerary is set and we are in the final stages of prep.

We sense God has some amazing things in store in the time we will have with ministry partners around various areas of Kenya. It will be a blessing to hear ministry updates, and testimonies of the impact TI is having in Kenya and East Africa, and to pray and seek God’s future plans for TI in Kenya and beyond together. 

Remco & Jennifer’s Missionary Journeys  Join us in prayer as we travel to several areas in Kenya. We will be meeting with ministry partners, meeting new people, doing TI teaching, preaching, visiting a Bible study group, children’s school and prison, and exploring several new TI ministry opportunities! Thank you for undergirding this significant trip with prayer! We have a separate prayer guide available. If you would like one, use the contact form on the blog.
Special moments with previous DPTC classes!
THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS & SUPPORT! Thank you to many of you who have partnered with us in making this ministry trip a reality! Please PRAY with us as we continue to seek God’s plans and are in our final preparation for our time in Kenya. 

*   If you would like to donate toward ongoing TI ministry in Kenya and East Africa, please
send CHECKS to True Identity Ministries or DONATE ONLINE. (Please make a note it is
for Africa ministry.)                                                                                                                                              
REMCO HAS BEEN BUSY WRITING! Remco has spent the past few years writing 2 new books that are both now published and available on Amazon! Remco writes and Jennifer does the design and layout for print prep. They love developing these resources together!

MINING FOR GOLD – Discovering the life-changing treasures of the Bible  The Bible is the primary way in which He reveals His heart, will, wisdom, and design for human life to us. Yet so few of us understand how to dig below the surface of sixty-six books full of information to find life-changing treasure.
Mining for Gold is an easy-to-follow guide down into the depth of Scripture where the Holy Spirit awaits your presence to provide you with spiritual riches.          
SPECIAL BONUS: Remco is graciously offering a signed copy of Mining for Gold with any donation to True Identity Ministries of $50 or more. Valid Oct 22 – December 15, 2023. 

INTREPID INTERCESSION – Daily Encouragement for Prayer Warriors
Intrepid Intercession is courageous prayer with the rock-solid confidence that God
wants to do mighty things through the prayers of His people. This 366-day devotional, written by Remco Brommet with contributions by fourteen other authors, provides insight, guidance, and encouragement grouped around twelve monthly themes derived from the Lord’s Prayer – the Bible’s definitive pattern for a believer’s prayer life. 

PRAYER MINISTRY AT BBRS For the past year Jennifer has had the unique opportunity as the prayer coordinator at Brain & Body Rehabilitation Specialists, to pray for patients in person, through prayer request cards, and in getting to know their life situations through conversations. There is also a basket of “encouraging verses” on the front desk, many of which are scripture and Biblical truths we teach in TI,  that has become a favorite of the patients. Many have said that they feel this is a doctor’s office they love coming to! It’s been a tremendous blessing to bring prayer into the clinic and offer healing for the whole person – mentally, physically, and spiritually. Praise God for how He so creatively orchestrated this amazing opportunity to encourage and minister to patients in this way as well as share about our true identity in Christ!

THANK YOU for your heart of generosity and may you be blessed as you are a blessing so many through your prayers and gifts!