As I mentioned in my previous post, a group of us prayer walked the Edgewood neighborhood in Atlanta on September 5th. Our guideline was a manifesto that four of us compiled while seeking the Lord.

The feedback we have received from the growing number of people that have seen it and prayed through it seems to confirm that this was indeed given to us by the Holy Spirit.

So here it is. We encourage you to pray through it for your neighborhood, city and state and to join us if you are in the area on October 3rd when we pray at Edgewood again.


Our nation is in desperate need of revival if it will ever live up to its claim of being “one nation under God.” It needs healing, reconciling, unifying, and a path to move forward. That cannot happen apart from a move of the Holy Spirit pouring God’s love out into our sin-soaked self-seeking hearts.

Every movement of spiritual renewal starts with God’s people uniting their voices in urgent, repentant prayer (2 Chronicles 7:14, Acts 4:23-31). As the Church, our power and progress is a result of calling on the name of the Lord. United prayer will remain a priority as long as the church exists., and God responds to hearts that thirst for Him.

As has been the case in numerous places around the country in response to our current crises, we desire to unite in prayer for spiritual revival in Atlanta. We believe it is important to start in the Edgewood neighborhood, in the heart of the city. We believe this area has great spiritual significance as the birthplace of the civil rights movement.

Our desire to pray together flows from the following declarations:

  1. We are One Church (John 17:20,21, Ephesians 4:1-6)
  2. In Christ, we have freedom over divisions that are based on outward things, like religion, racism, political party and socioeconomic status, that stand in the way of our unity (Ephesians 2:14-16, Colossians 3:11)
  3. Times of refreshing from the Lord (Acts 3:19) result in greater ministry effectiveness and deeper transformational impact than our adherence to traditions (Col 2:20-3:17)
  4. Everyone is equally called to salvation, and all who by repentant faith respond are equally forgiven, saved, redeemed, then filled and gifted by the same Holy Spirit (Ephesians 1:3-14, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11) to build one another up in faith (Ephesians 4:15,16) and proclaim Christ to the nations (Matthew 28:19).
  5. God’s desire is for His people to get out of our buildings and into the world, and make His love known by being the church instead of going to church (John 13:35, Philippians 2:15, 1 Peter 2:9)
  6. We believe that we have a responsibility as Kingdom Citizens to our fellow man…to care for the orphans, widows, poor, and oppressed. And affirm that we are all created equal, whether Black, White, Asian, Latino, Indigenous, male or female in Gods sight. It is our duty is to help fix broken relationships between God and Us, within ourselves, and between each other. (Proverbs 31:8-9)


Our prayer initiative is built on the following Scriptural foundations:

Acts 1:14

The believers met together and were constantly united in prayer.

Every movement starts with prayer, because in united prayer we let go of all things that divide us as we take our eyes off each other and cast them on God together.

Matt 12:29; Mark 3:27; Ephesians 6:10-12

When you go into a new city first bind the strong man. We are aware of Satan’s schemes to divide us and thus to weaken the impact of the gospel. In Christ, we have the authority to stand against the evil one and by prayer we overcome his power.

2 Chronicles 7: 13, 14; Romans 8:26

When God sends pestilences, the appropriate response of His people, called by His name, is to pray, seek His face and repent, removing anything that does not please the Lord from our midst. Forgiveness of sins and healing of the land do not come unless His people obey His command to pray and repent. Therefore we do not just call upon His name, but we seek to humbly listen to Him together so He may speak to us, convict us of what we need to remove from our lives, and direct us in our prayers.

Zachariah 4:6

It is not by force nor by strength, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of Heaven’s armies. We can not bring about revival, reconciliation, love, or spiritual vitality by human means. Indeed, apart from Christ we can do nothing (John 15:5).

Prayer Outline

As we come together, we seek to offer concerted prayer along the following lines:

1. For Those In Authority (Govt. Leaders, etc.) 1 Timothy 2:1-4

– That they will have wisdom to lead us
– That their heart will be turned towards God
– That their advisers will give sound, godly advice

2. Racial Reconciliation & Breaking Down of Divisions

– That all believers may be one as our Triune God is one (John 17:20,21)>
– That all believers may experience visible togetherness (Acts 2:1, 44)
– That we may be set free from bitterness and strife (Ephesians 2:14-16)
– That we may see justice for the oppressed (Psalm 103:6, Psalm 146:5-9)

3. Gods Power, And The Revelation Of His Kingdom

– That we will gain understanding of its spiritual power and benefits (Matt 4:23, Mark 1:38, Matthew 9:35)
– That we will realize God’s might (Acts 1:8, 1 Corinthians 4:20)
– That we will experience God peace and rest (Isaiah 9:6, Hebrews 4:11)
– That we will be delivered from all meaningless religious activity (2 Timothy 3:5)
– That His Kingdom is realized (Matthew 6:9-13)
– That we may have a new awareness of the Holy `Spirit and release of His gifts within the Church (Ephesians 4:7)

4. Breakthrough And Miracles In The Lives Of Those Gathered

– That we (our communities) may experience healing from the hand of Christ (Matthew 12:15)
– That we (our communities) may receive a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:17)
– That chains are broken in our communities (Acts 12:6-7, Acts 16:25-26)
-That we (our communities) may see blessings of abundance and provision in lives and ministry (Matt 14:13-21, Matt 15:32-38)

5. Revival For Our City, State and Nation

– That men and women will be drawn back to Him (John 12:32)
– That we will develop a heart for reaching people (Acts 4:23-31)
– That He will show us how to attract and disciple His people (Matt 4:13)

Be watchful, an strive in prayer for the unifying, purifying, electrifying and Christ-glorifying revival we so desperately need in our church and nation today!


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