Dear subscribers,

Most of you know that my wife and I are in the process of relocating to Kenya to take True Identity Ministries to the next level in East Africa. We leave on October 3rd, which is just around the corner! Beautiful scenery, like in the picture above, awaits us there, along with fellow believers hungry for transformational discipleship resources.

As you can imagine, things in the Brommet household are hectic with last-minute preparations. For that reason, I have decided to put my blog on hold for a month to focus on the tasks at hand. My next post will be from Kenya!

I intend to keep posting and mix the spiritual insights on the deeper life I usually bring with our experiences there for a unique flavor. We deeply respect our brothers and sisters in Kenya and are looking forward to learning from them and passing those lessons on to you.

If you have a moment, please pray for Jennifer and me as we say goodbye to the familiar and face the unknown. Pray especially for the following:

  1. Peace amid the chaos of packing and getting our house ready for our daughter to live in.
  2. God’s guidance in knowing what to pack and what to leave.
  3. God’s favor as we apply for entry visas.
  4. His protection over us and our luggage on the journey.
  5. For us to be able to bypass Kenyan customs, which has become notorious for searching foreigners’ bags and making them pay for random items.

Thank you for praying!

For transformed lives,
